Dr. Fabienne Roussel is an experienced healthcare specialist with more than 20 years of experience in managing innovation in life sciences. She joins Vesalius Biocapital IV as Partner, having served as an Analyst for VBC III. Prior to this, she held Technology Transfer positions at several research institutions in Belgium and Luxembourg, where she designed the innovation management strategy, managed the institutional intellectual property portfolios, and accompanied spin-off company creation. She gained her professional recognition through the title of Registered Technology Transfer Professional. This experience came on the heel of a specialization as Patent Agent in the US, first in a reputable law firm (Arnold, White & Durkee, LLP, now Winston & Strawn) and then a biotech company (Human Genome Sciences, acquired by GlaxoSmithKline in 2012).
Fabienne holds a PhD from Université Paris VII – Denis Diderot, where her work focused on the ontogeny of drug metabolizing enzymes and its importance in adapting drug regimens to each individual. She developed that theme in a post-doctoral experience at Pfizer, then the University of Arizona and University of Texas Medical Branch.
Vesalius Biocapital IV Partners SàRL
17 rue Edmond Reuter (Bldg. Bouvreuil)
5326 Contern
(c) 2024
Email: info@vesaliusbiocapital.com
Phone: +352 26 84 56 82
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